Results for "Nature Based Infrastructure"

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Seminar

Green infrastructure are low impact development practices that promote the natural movement of water, instead of allowing it to wash into streets and down storm drains. Having less water runoff into storm drains and roadways can help prevent contamination of waterways, infrastructure degradation, and flooding.

UGRA Supports Rainwater Harvesting at the Hunt School

The Upper Guadalupe River Authority (UGRA) awarded the Hunt School $5,000 to support improvements to their 20,000-gallon rainwater catchment system.

Incentive Programs

UGRA offers several incentive programs...

Seminar 2023

The seminar discussed strategies and incentives to conserve water in landscaping including rainwater harvesting, native plants, and irrigation methods.

Low Impact Development

Low Impact Development (LID) is a land planning and design approach for managing stormwater runoff as close to its source as possible.  LID principles complement, and sometimes replace, traditional stormwater management systems, which historically emphasized quickly moving stormwater off-site with curbs, pipes, and culverts.